Contact us
The Alzheimer Society of Sarnia-Lambton provides system navigation, and a variety of support services and programs for people living with dementia and their care partners. It also serves as a resource for education, information and training in dementia care. Contact our office to learn more.

Office Information
Address: 420 East St. North, Sarnia, ON, N7T 6Y5
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm, or by appointment (closed all statutory holidays)
Phone: 519-332-4444
Fax: 519-332-6673
Staff and Department Contacts
Denyse Newton, Interim Chief Executive Officer, ext. 224
Devin Hooey, Executive Assistant, ext. 241
Kammy VanBoven, Financial Coordinator, ext. 223
Behavioural Supports Ontario
Jillian Beaupré, System Navigator, ext 239
Clinical Services
Maggie Boulton, Manager of Clinical Services, ext. 228
Paulson Jacob, Social Worker/Enhancing Care Clinician, ext. 240
Joji Jose, Social Worker, ext. 235
Yasaman Sadat Sadati Far, First Link Care Navigator, ext. 242
Lisa Soucek, First Link Care Navigator, ext. 200
Leah Withers, First Link Coordinator, ext. 231
Anu Francis, Social Worker, ext. 201
Amrutha Jayakumar, First Link Care Navigator, ext. 252
Christine Wright, Education Coordinator, ext. 230
Fund Development & Communications
Marie Marcy-Smids, Manager of Fund Development & Communications, ext 233
Debbie Whiting, Donor Database Entry Clerk, ext. 238
Janet Holmes, Event Coordinator, ext. 221
Respite & Day Program Services
Ileana Rivas, Manager of Respite Services ext. 229
Gabrielle Webb, Day Program Coordinator, ext. 236
Susan Satlowski, Respite Coordinator, ext. 222
Social Recreational Programs
Vanessa Barnes, Active Living Coordinator, ext. 238
Amanda Rand, Volunteer Coordinator, ext. 225