Programs and services
The Alzheimer Society of Sarnia-Lambton can help you by providing system navigation, information, resources, education, support and counselling. Use this page as your guide to find the care and support you may need.

Contact us by phone at 519-332-4444 or by email at for more information about our programs or services.
Reach Out Today
Experience has shown that the earlier people begin to learn and strategize about coping with dementia, the better they are prepared and the better their caregivers are able to provide support over time.
We hope you will find relief in knowing that you are not alone and do not have to pioneer your own path, when so many have gone before and have shared their learning.
Scroll down to learn more about the programs and services we offer at the Alzheimer Society of Sarnia-Lambton.
Watch Chuck & Val's Story here.
1. System Navigation
If you are concerned that you may have dementia, or have been recently diagnosed and are unsure what your next step is, the Alzheimer Society of Sarnia-Lambton can connect you to the appropriate healthcare provider and community support services, including programs and services offered by the Alzheimer Society.
Our First Link Care Navigators work to connect people who are newly diagnosed with the supports they need to live well with dementia. People living with dementia and their care partners can receive information about diagnosis, day-to-day living, positive approaches to care and how to prepare for the end of life.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging.
- If you are concerned about any of the early warning signs, go to your doctor.
- If you don’t receive the help you need, ask to be referred to a specialist. You know your body and you should speak up if you have worries about Alzheimer’s or other dementias.
- Our list of 10 warning signs can help you identify the signs of dementia.
Self-referrals to the Alzheimer Society of Sarnia-Lambton can be made by contacting us by phone at 519-332-4444 or by email at
2. Social Work Support
In addition to our psychoeducation groups and our ongoing support groups, our social workers are available for one-to-one sessions for clients in need. Our social workers will create an individualized plan that will help to support our clients in achieving their goals and to promote understanding of dementia.
3. Education and Training
Public education sessions, group learning series, and individualized education about memory loss and dementia – provided by our Public Education Coordinator and our Social Work Team
Resource Library
Our resource library offers an array of material that can help with your understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. There are items for all age ranges, including children. There is no cost to borrow these items.
First Link Learning Series
The First Link Learning Series offers a comprehensive overview of dementia, coping strategies, resources and support systems, spread over five progressive modules, each one building upon the other. Participants are offered the opportunity to share and connect with others who are also on the dementia journey.
U-First for Care Partners
U-First!® for Care Partners is a six-hour education program for family and friends who are providing direct support to someone experiencing behaviour changes as a result of dementia or other cognitive impairment.
Gentle Persuasive Approach (GPA)
Gentle Persuasive Approach (GPA) is an innovative education curriculum that is currently being offered to care organizations throughout Ontario.
The overall goal of the GPA curriculum is to educate frontline staff in healthcare on how to use person-centred, compassionate and gentle persuasive approach and to respond respectfully, with confidence and skill to challenging behaviours associated with dementia.
Public Education
Does your club or organization need a guest speaker? Would you like an in-service for your staff or students?
Public education sessions are available on a variety of topics and can be tailored to your group's needs. Through these sessions, you can learn more about dementia and how you can help make our community more dementia-friendly.
Sensitivity Training
Sensitivity training is also available for dementia care and age-related conditions, children's educational programs and the First Link® Learning Series.
4. Respite Services
In-Home Respite
This program is intended to support caregivers by providing them with short-term relief so that they can attend to their own health and wellness needs. We arrange for a personal support worker to stay with the person living with dementia in their home to give caregivers a break. We ensure supervision and meaningful activities to engage the person living with dementia.
Respite is available in Sarnia, Point Edward, and Bright's Grove for $15 per hour. Subsidies are available.
Every attempt is made to accommodate the caregivers needs for coverage. We have workers available days, evenings and weekends and service can be set up on occasion or with a regular weekly or bi-weekly visit.
Learn more about our Respite Program
Day Program
This program provides short-term relief to caregivers so that they can attend to their own health and wellness needs. Our bright open space, located onsite with our Society offices offers a variety of programming that is meaningful to the person living with dementia and allows for socialization with others on a similar journey.
The Day Program currently operates Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 2:30pm for $20 per day. Subsidies are available. Space is limited.
5. Active Living Programs
These programs promote socialization and recreation for both the person living with dementia and their care partner. Registration is required to attend all programs.
Minds in Motion®
This program incorporates physical and social activities that are both fun and engaging. Participants take part in an hour of exercise followed by an hour of social activities. The program runs once a week for eight weeks.
Learn more about Minds in Motion®.
Forget Me Not Social Club
The Forget Me Not Social Club is for people living with dementia and their caregivers to enjoy the company of others, and to get out into the community to participate in planned activities. The group is scheduled to meet once per month.
Learn more about our Forget Me Not Social Club
Inspirational Moments
This art program is run in partnership with the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery. Each month, participants tour the latest gallery exhibit and then create a masterpiece of their own. Participants will be led through exploratory, fun and casual conversations about exhibitions and specific art works.
Learn more about Inspirational Moments
Mindful Music Program
The Mindful Music Program is designed to provide a personalized music playlist to the person living with dementia. It can be used as an intervention to stimulate the memory, provide meaningful engagement through auditory stimulation and support self-expression and identity.
6. Safety Supports
Finding Your Way
Finding Your Way® helps people living with dementia, their families, care partners and communities to recognize the risk of going missing, be prepared for incidents of going missing, and ensure that people with dementia can live safely in the community.
Education related to Finding Your Way® is incorporated into all of our activities.
Mobility Monitors
These can help reduce falls and incidents of going missing by providing an alert when a person living with dementia leaves a bed, room or wheelchair. Mobility Monitors may be borrowed free of charge.
Medic Alert Safely Home / Vulnerable Person Registration
Registration with Medic Alert Safely Home and with your local police department will help a person living with dementia to reconnect with their family in the event that they go missing.
7. Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO)
System Navigator
Our Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) System Navigator is the primary link for older adults experiencing responsive behaviours associated with dementia, mental health, addictions and other neurological conditions.
Through the BSO System Navigator, they can access BSO supports and resources both in the community and in Long-Term Care. The System Navigator also provides support to caregivers through individual support sessions.