You want to make a difference. The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick needs your help!

If you have any questions or to learn about other available opportunities, please contact us at 1-800-664-8411 or volunteer@alzheimernb.ca.
Why volunteer?
Volunteers are the most important resource for charitable organizations like ours. At the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick, volunteer time and energy are essential to help us support people living with dementia, their families and their caregivers.
Current volunteer opportunities
IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s Volunteer Committee
We are currently looking for volunteers in to join our Planning Committee for the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's. If you work well as part of a team and enjoy project management, event planning, or fundraising, this opportunity may be for you!
Volunteer Planning Committee Description
Memory Cafe Committee Member
We are currently seeking individuals who are interested in joining a planning and implementation committee for the Memory Cafe, and in-person program that provides an inclusive atmosphere for people living with dementia and their circle of care to meet others, learn, and have fun. If you like connecting with others and enjoy planning activities and events, this opportunity may be for you!
Memory Cafe Committee Member Description
Member of Board of Directors
We are looking for candidates who would be interested in volunteering their time and sharing their expertise to help advance our strategic priorities. Experience in one or more of the following areas is desired: legal, fundraising, risk management, strategic planning, finance/accounting, advocacy/public policy, and/or interdisciplinary professions.
Caregiver Support Network Facilitator
We are currently looking for individuals who would like to co-facilitate a support group for caregivers of people living with dementia in their community. If you enjoy helping others and lending a listening ear, this opportunity could be for you!
Caregiver Support Network Facilitator Description
U-First!® Community Facilitator
We are recruiting people to coordinate and facilitate U-First!® training workshops. If you have experience caring for people living with dementia, a strong knowledge of the disease, and strong facilitation skills, this opportunity may be for you!
If any of these positions interest you, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@alzheimernb.ca for more information.