Your donation will help us bring services and support to people living with dementia and their caregivers in New Brunswick, and help us fund research into the causes and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

You can talk to us at any time
Have questions or comments? We're delighted to speak with dedicated supporters like you. If you wish to ask us a question or discuss the work of the Society, call us at 1-506-459-4280 (toll-free: 1-800-664-8411) or by email at
Looking for a receipt for your donation?
We issue official income tax receipts for all donations of $10 or more. If you would like a receipt for less than $10, please let us know by telephone at 1-800-664-8411 or by email at
Ways to donate
Donate online
Make a one-time or monthly donation using our secure online form.
Through this form, you also have the option to make your donation in memory or in honour of someone.
Donate by mail
Please complete our PDF donation form and send it with your donation to:
PO Box 1553, Station A
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5G2
Leave a legacy
By planning your charitable gift, you can provide the greatest benefit to you, your family and the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick.
Donor information and support
Respect, openness and accountability
This is our commitment to you, as a valuable supporter of the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick. If you ever want to know anything about where your donation dollars go, please contact us at We are committed to full financial disclosure.
Your privacy is always respected. We hold all information relating to your correspondence and contributions to the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick in the strictest confidence.
Online donors will receive a receipt by email. If you donate by mail, fax or phone, we will mail a receipt to you.
We issue official income tax receipts for all donations of $10 or more. If you would like a receipt for less than $10, please advise us.
The Charitable Number for the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick is: 893280263 RR0001.
Other common questions
When I support the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick, do I receive solicitations from other charities?
No. When you make a donation to the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick, your information remains confidential and will not be shared with any other party.
How often will you contact me?
As a supporter of the Society, you'll be kept up-to-date on information about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, caregiver support initiatives and new research advancements through our letters and newsletters.
You'll also be invited, from time to time, to renew your support of the Society. We hope you'll respond to these requests whenever you can.
Can I have my donation automatically withdrawn from my account?
Yes, you can join our monthly supporter program:
- Sign up online to make a recurring donation or provide the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick with your credit card information
- After that, your donation will be withdrawn automatically on the date of your choosing each month.
What if I move?
We want to be sure that we have your current address so we can send you tax receipts, news updates and our letters. Simply call us at 1-800-664-8411, or send us an email at with both your old and new addresses.
How can I stay informed about the work of the Society?
All the latest news about the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick and related information can be found in our News, stories & events section. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Through our printed newsletters and regular mailings, we'll keep you up-to-date on new advancements in dementia research and how your money is helping people with this devastating disease.
You can talk to us at any time
We're delighted to speak with dedicated supporters like you. If you wish to ask us a question or discuss the work of the Society, call us toll-free at 1-800-664-8411 and ask for Donor Services.