A new online learning series
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies is launching a new learning series with the objective to provide frontline workers and healthcare professional with the appropriate tools and knowledge to help and support people living with dementia in long-term care facilities.

A new online learning series
Under these challenging times, it was important to us to provide basic information to anyone who would be in a position to provide support and care for the first time to a person living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, as well as to those who wish to deepen their knowledge. This new learning series does not however replace the education program. We encourage you to get in touch with your local Alzheimer Society who will be able to assist you with further coaching and mentorship.
What is Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer's disease and other type of dementias
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- Person-centered approach
- The Canadian charter for the right of people with dementia
- Person-centered language
- Guidelines for care
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- The 10 warning signs
Additional resources
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Support and intervention for people with dementia
- Communication strategies
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- Living with the disease: Communication
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- Communication strategies - advanced
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- Responsive behaviour
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- Cognitive stimulation
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- Visiting someone with dementia
- Download the brochure Meaningful visits
- Memory tips and tricks
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Living with the disease
- Meals
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- Living with the disease: Meal time
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- Personal care
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- Living with the disease: personal care
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What the family can do
- How to engage the family
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- Booklet All about me
- First steps for families
- Ways to help
- Reducing caregiver stress
- A handbook of care
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Your mental health is also important
- How to take care of yourself
Additional resources
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Beyond the support and intervention that healthcare professionals provide in long-term care it's also important to rethink the work organisation as well as the living environment for better care to people with dementia.
Take the time to consult the series PC P.E.A.R.L.S to better understand the various changes that can be made in your unit in order to implement a person-centered approach where the you see the person and not the disease.