Programs and services
The Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies support the 20 local Alzheimer Societies of Quebec who offer a various number of programs and services for people living with Alzheimer disease and related dementia.

Nos services
The Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies would like to highlight the engagement, the determination and the remarkable work done by staff and volunteers of the 20 Alzheimer Societies in Quebec. All together contribute in improving the quality of life of thousands of people living with the disease and their families making a real difference in their lives.
Counselling and follow ups offer an empathic listening, gives answers to some of your questions, advices on how to support and communicate with patients and suggest appropriate steps while insuring follow us are made.
Support groups
Support groups are offered to people living with dementia as well as their caregivers in order to improve their knowledge, their ability to get a better quality of life and to find comfort in mutual support and solidarity.
Respite and stimulation
Respite and stimulation sessions can take different forms in terms of time, frequency and place and represent the best way for caregivers to recharge. The stimulation helps patients to maintain their existing capacities, in respects to their values, and their daily routines.
Education consists of a series of sessions that prepare participants to better understand the reality of people living with dementia in order to better guide them. By giving them appropriate information on Alzheimer, the different training sessions develop in depth several important issues in order to better grasp disruptive behaviour, to acquire a suitable communication mode, to recognise that each individual experience the disease in a different way and finally to have a self introspection to better help each other.
Raising awareness
Raising awareness on Alzheimer disease and its consequences aim to inform the general public on its symptoms, personal and social consequences in order to expand the network of support which is essential to maintain a good quality of life for people living with dementia and their families.
Care facilities
Care facilities are proposed by some Alzheimer Societies. This service allows residents to live in a “family like” environment and to take part at daily life activities.
First Link®
First Link® is a reference program for health care professionals developped to direct people with Alzheimer disease, their caregivers and their families towards the available services offered by Alzheimer Societies, as soon as they received a diagnostic and throughout the disease.
MedicAlert® Secu-retourMD
MedicAlert® Secu-retourMD is a national program initiated by Alzheimer Society of Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Foundation MedicAlert® Secu-RetourMD. Personal information as well as a toll free emergency number are engraved into the MedicAlert bracelet. If the person is lost, a police officer will be able to identify her very quickly by calling the emergency number available 24/7, and bring her safely home.
Music&Memory® is a personalized program that, deliver music on iPods and other digital devices, for those who need it. These musical favorites tap deep memories not lost to dementia and can bring participants back to life, enabling them to feel like themselves again, to converse, socialize and stay present.