Check in on your charitable giving
A New Year (and decade!) has just begun, making it an excellent time to review your finances and your estate plan. While doing so, why not take the opportunity to consider what you can do for your charitable legacy?

Individuals across the country give for different reasons. Some give to honour a friend or loved one; others to minimize taxes during their lifetime or at death. Still others wish to be remembered through their charitable legacy.

Caroline, one of our donors, is leaving a gift in her Will to the Alzheimer Society of Canada to honour the memory of her husband and her mother, who both developed dementia simultaneously. Caroline is ensuring her legacy will go toward supporting research that can prevent, treat and hopefully, one day cure this disease.
Planning ahead
A Will and powers of attorney can help protect you and your assets now and in the future. A Will also provides an effective means for you to benefit causes that are dear to you. Remember that if you don't have a Will, your estate will be distributed to family members according to provincial legislation. You forfeit the ability to leave a portion of your estate to charitable organizations of your choice, meaning your charitable intentions may not be met. This video featuring Leanne Kaufman, President and CEO of RBC Royal Trust, explains why it’s important to plan ahead for your charitable giving:
Getting started
As a first step, we encourage you to read more on leaving a legacy, power of attorneys, and charitable giving:
- Learn about five easy ways to give back and leave a legacy
- Find out how you can choose the right fiduciary to ensure your charitable legacy
- 7 important reasons to make a will right now (and what happens if you die without one)
- Know more about why you should have Powers of Attorney
- Tips for choosing the right attorney for property (and what to do if you’re appointed)
Our Gift in your Will page has more information on charitable giving, including helpful links to RBC Wealth Management’s financial resources. As always when making these important decisions, seek professional advice to help ensure that your wishes will be fulfilled.
Find out how to make a gift in your will and learn more about leaving a charitable legacy by visiting
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