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Dementia information in Hindi, Chinese and other languages
Hindi, Mandarin and Cantonese are some of the most-spoken languages in Canada. Find essential facts about dementia in multiple languages here.

Our Advisory Group of People with Lived Experience of Dementia
Our Advisory Group of People with Lived Experience of Dementia is a community of people who guide the Alzheimer Society of Canada. By drawing on their personal stories of living with or supporting people with dementia, our members can share their voices to change how dementia is understood and treated in Canada.

National resource library
Through our resource library, you can find a broad range of helpful and informational documents, videos and links related to dementia. We have resources for people living with dementia, families, caregivers, healthcare providers and more.

Video: Growing the conversation about young onset dementia
In this conversation, four people with personal and/or research experiences with young onset dementia in Canada share their knowledge, stories and perspectives.

Video: Turning up the Volume on 2SLGBTQIA+ Needs in the Dementia Space
In this important panel, two researchers and a caregiver discussing the unique experiences – and challenges – of people living with dementia and carers who identify as two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and/or other gender identities, expressions and sexual orientations (2SLGBTQIA+).

Video: Dementia & Tech in Today’s Digital World: What’s helping? And what’s next?
In this discussion featuring people with lived experience of dementia and a researcher, hear about how new technologies and innovative research are helping them connect with others, provide care and live well with dementia.

Statement from the Alzheimer Society of Canada regarding Science article on dementia research
On July 21, Science published an article detailing possible misconduct in some influential 2006 US research on the potential cause of Alzheimer’s disease. These reports have raised questions about the overall nature of funding research on the causes of Alzheimer's disease.

Research and patient services need to reflect that Canadians from diverse communities are living with dementia
Recent data from Statistics Canada on our country’s demographic shift to an aging population highlights Canada’s evolving future. How we respond to these changes will determine our long-term success as a nation, especially for future generations of older individuals.

New report highlights the unique challenges facing 2SLGBTQI people living with dementia
In the report, Egale Canada and National Institute on Ageing researchers ask: What are the unique experiences and needs of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (2SLGBTQI) people living with dementia and those who care for them?

The Canadian Charter of Rights for People with Dementia
As a person living with dementia, the Charter can help you assert your rights to live free of stigma, benefit from all of Canada's civic and legal rights, participate in policies that affect you and more.

Communicating with people living with dementia
Understand how dementia affects communication and learn some useful tips and strategies for your conversations with people living with dementia as they progress through the stages of the disease.

Tips for living well with dementia during warm weather and heat alerts
Spring and summer in Canada can bring very warm weather in many parts of the country, as well as heat alerts in some areas. Here are some ways to stay safe and well while living with dementia when it's hot—and help others do so too.

Find your Society
No matter where you live in Canada, you have a Society that you can be involved in. Your Society can help and support you with programs, services, education and resources tailored to you.

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