You have been the beating heart of Alzheimer’s research, moving us closer to better treatments and, ultimately, a cure. You’ve also ensured compassionate support services for people living with dementia and their caregivers.

You can talk to us at any time
Have questions or comments? We're delighted to speak with dedicated supporters like you. If you wish to ask us a question or discuss the work of the Society, call us toll-free at 1-800-616-8816 (Canada only) and ask for Donor Services, or email us at
The impact of your donation
Your donation today will help us:

- Bring services, education programs, support, and trusted information to people with dementia, their families and caregivers across the country.
- Fund groundbreaking research to find new treatments and eventually a cure, and improve care and support for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
- Promote public education and awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias to eliminate stigma and misconceptions, and ensure people know where to turn for help.
- Influence policy and decision-making to address the needs of people living with dementia and their caregivers.
Check out our recent impact reports to see how your donation can help
Thank you for supporting the next wave of dementia research. Read this donor impact report to get the full picture of how your generosity is funding innovative treatments and unlocking new ways to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia and caregivers in Canada. A digital version of this report is also available.
You can also check out the list of our annual and impact reports.

A digital version of this report is also available.

Ways to donate

Donate online
Make a one-time donation using our secure online form.
Donate monthly
Sign up for our Monthly Giving program or use our secure online form.

Donate in memory or in tribute
Make a gift in memory or in honour of someone you care about through our secure online form.
If you would like to make a in memory/tribute donation on behalf of a company, use this form.

Donate by mail or fax
Complete and print our fillable donation form (PDF). All the information you need is on the form to make a
- One-time donation
- In memoriam donation
- In honour donation
- Monthly donation

Donate by telephone
Call toll-free 1-800-616-8816 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET Monday to Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET on Saturday.
Please have your credit card number ready. We accept VISA, MasterCard and AMEX. Outside these hours, you can leave a voice message with your name and phone number, and we will gladly return your call on the next business day.

Leave a legacy
Through our Gift in your Will program, you can plan your charitable gift to provide the greatest benefit to you, your family, and the Alzheimer Society.
Make a gift of stock
To make a gift of stock, visit our page for more information, or print and complete our fillable gift of stock donation form (PDF).
Tax receipts
Looking for a receipt for your donation?
We issue official income tax receipts for all donations of $20 or more. If you would like a receipt for less than $20, please let us know by telephone at 1-800-616-8816 or by email at
Important information regarding your printed tax receipts
As of April 7, 2021, the Ontario government has declared a third state of emergency to curb the spread of COVID-19. As a result, Alzheimer Society of Canada staff and volunteers won't have access to our office in Toronto, and as such you may experience delays in receiving your printed tax receipts and memorial notifications.
If you typically receive physical copies or if you are requesting just one printed receipt, we ask you to please consider providing us with your email address. That way, we can send you electronic versions of these documents. You can contact us at
Thank you for supporting the Alzheimer Society of Canada, and we appreciate your patience during this time.
Responding to coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all, but the isolation many of us are feeling is even more challenging for people with dementia who don’t understand why loved ones can’t visit. And, without in-person support, there is little respite for caregivers.
During this crisis, and always, the Alzheimer Society remains committed to ensuring everyone who is impacted by dementia receives the care and support they need.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has meant we’ve had to suspend in-person counselling and support groups, with the support of donors and stakeholders, we’ve enhanced and accelerated our phone and online counselling and support services. They are behind every answered phone call and email that helps someone feel less alone.
We’re still here to provide help over the phone, by email, or via video conferencing. Our team continues to offer safe and confidential counselling where people affected by dementia can talk about their experiences, learn about the disease, and gain practical coping strategies.
And as more and more people reach out to us — from those personally affected to critical care workers looking for trusted information — we will continue to listen, adapt and respond. Dementia doesn’t stop and neither do we.
Respect, openness and accountability

This is our commitment to you, as a valuable supporter of the Alzheimer Society of Canada. If you ever want to know anything about where your donation dollars go, please see our most recent audited financial statement, our latest Annual Report or contact us at We are committed to full financial disclosure.
Your privacy is always respected. We hold all information relating to your correspondence and contributions to the Alzheimer Society of Canada in the strictest confidence.
As a member of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA), the Society is committed to upholding the principles of the Canadian Marketing Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Common questions

1. How do I get my receipt?
Online donors will receive a receipt by email. If you donate by mail, fax or phone, we will mail a receipt to you. We issue official income tax receipts for all donations of $20 or more.
If you would like a receipt for less than $20, please let us know by telephone at 1-800-616-8816 or by email at
2. What's your charitable number?
The Alzheimer Society of Canada's Charitable Number is 11878 4925 RR0001.
3. As an Alzheimer Society of Canada (ASC) supporter, will I receive solicitations from other charities?
Not if you don't want to. On occasion, we do share our mailing list with other registered charitable organizations to help offset some of our costs. If you would prefer that we not share your name, please contact us at
4. How often will you contact me?
As a supporter of the Society, you'll be kept up-to-date on information about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, caregiver support initiatives and new research advancements through our letters and newsletters.
You'll also be invited, from time to time, to renew your support of the Society. We hope you'll respond to these requests whenever you can.
You can also speak to one of our donor specialists at 1-800-616-8816, ext. 2974 or 2951, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday ET to discuss your contact preferences.
5. Can I have my donation automatically withdrawn from my account?
Yes, you can join our Monthly Giving program. Complete our printable monthly donation form, provide a cheque marked VOID to the Alzheimer Society of Canada or credit card information, and your donation will be withdrawn automatically on either the 1st or 15th of each month.
Speak to one of our donor specialists at 1-800-616-8816, ext. 2974 or 2951, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday ET for more information.
6. What if I move or I have a new email?
We want to be sure that we have your current address, physical and electronic, so we can send you tax receipts, news updates and our letters.
Simply call us at 1-800-616-8816, ext. 2974 or 2951, or send us an email at with both your old and new addresses.
7. As an Alzheimer Society of Canada supporter, how can I stay informed about the work of the Society?
- All the latest about the Alzheimer Society and related information in the news can be found in our What's happening section.
- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- Through our electronic newsletters and regular mailings, we'll keep you up-to-date on new advancements in dementia research and how your money is helping people with this devastating disease.