Programs and services
The Alzheimer Society can help you face dementia. Use this page as your guide to find support programs, dementia education and resources, referral services and more.

Contact your local Alzheimer Society for more information about programs, education, resources and support in your area.
View our downloadable programs and services brochure.
We are here to help
Our staff and volunteers provide support programs, educational resources, referral services and more to ease the burden of care and improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, as well as their caregivers and families.
Experience has shown that the earlier people begin to learn and strategize about living with dementia, the better they are prepared. Earlier preparation can also help caregivers and families provide support as the disease progresses.
We hope you will find relief in knowing that you are not alone.
Scroll down to learn more about the programs and services we offer at the Alzheimer Society.
Support programs
These programs offer support and improve quality of life for people living with dementia, families and caregivers.
There are hundreds of unique programs across Canada, tailored to your community. Here are some examples of programs you may find near you.
Brain health programs
Through programs that promote a brain-healthy lifestyle, people living with dementia can experience meaningful and beneficial socialization and stimulation through a number of appropriate activities.
For example, many Societies across Canada support Minds in Motion®, a program specifically designed for people in the early to middle stages of dementia.
Day programs and respite care
Day programs and respite care provide social, recreational, and therapeutic activities for people living with dementia while offering support for family caregivers who provide day-to-day care.
Art and music therapy
Art and music are increasingly being used as therapies that can provide relief and help fight symptoms. Workshops focused on art and music therapy are especially helpful for people in the middle to late stages of dementia, providing relaxation and encouraging pleasant memories.
To see the support programs available near you, please set your location. You can change your location at any time by selecting < Change Your Society > at the top-left of this page.
Dementia education and resources
The Alzheimer Society provides many educational opportunities for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, caregivers, healthcare providers and more.
Our education team can answer your questions on topics such as brain health, providing support and living well with dementia.
For people living with dementia
Our mission is to support you. The Alzheimer Society can provide you with the resources to help you manage your diagnosis, assert your rights, live well with dementia, plan for your future and more.
For people caring for someone living with dementia
Understanding dementia and its progression is vital to ensure that both you and the person with dementia can live as well as possible. We have the resources to support you and your care of the person living with dementia.
For families, friends and co-workers
Someone you know – a parent, a sibling, a friend, a coworker – has dementia. What can you do to help? Learn more about dementia and how you can be dementia-friendly.
For healthcare providers
If you're a healthcare provider that helps people living with dementia, know that the Alzheimer Society has dementia-focused programs and resources that can support your ongoing learning and ensure person-centred care.
For first responders
As a first responder, you may come into contact with someone living with dementia. It's important to be prepared with strategies on how to recognize, communicate with and respond to someone living with dementia.
For financial professionals
As a financial advisor, you're likely to have clients affected by dementia – whether they have the disease themselves, or are caring for a person who does. Learn how you can offer assistance that's sensitive to their needs.
COVID-19 resources
To help you manage social distancing during COVID-19, our social recreation team has prepared several downloadable resources, as well as some links that we thought you might like. Our goal is to keep your minds moving while we are isolated from COVID-19.
More resources on dementia
Across Canada, the Alzheimer Society offers resources for people living with dementia, caregivers, families, healthcare providers and first responders.
For a full list of helpful resources, visit our online resource library.
Referral services
If you are concerned that you may have dementia, or have been recently diagnosed and are unsure what your next step is, the Alzheimer Society can help you get the information you need.
First Link®
First Link® is an innovative program that connects people who are newly diagnosed to local healthcare providers. People living with dementia can receive information about diagnosis, day-to-day living, positive approaches to care and how to prepare for the end of life.
The program also provides individual support and counselling and links people with the disease to other Alzheimer Society programs and services.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging.
- If you are concerned about any of the early warning signs, talk to your doctor.
- If you don’t receive the help you need, ask to be referred to a specialist. You know your body and you should speak up if you have worries about Alzheimer’s or other dementias.
- Our list of 10 warning signs can help you identify the signs of dementia.
For help and support with self-referral, please email us at
Individual and group support
We provide a variety of support for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, families and care partners, whether it is through individual support or a support group.
To find support near you, please set your location. You can change your location at any time by selecting < Change Your Society > at the top-left of this page.
Public awareness
We provide many learning opportunities for the general public. Through these opportunities and sessions, you can learn more about dementia and how you can help make our community more dementia-friendly.
Workshops, seminars, in-services and information meetings can also be developed to meet the specific needs of your group.
To find public awareness opportunities near you, please set your location. You can change your location at any time by selecting < Change Your Society > at the top-left of this page.
Safety services
When Alzheimer's disease and other dementias progress, the person living with the disease has the potential to go missing. This situation presents a serious safety concern, but know that help and support is available.
Finding Your Way®
Finding Your Way® is a website dedicated to helping people living with dementia, their families, caregivers and communities to recognize the risk of going missing, be prepared for incidents of going missing, and ensure that people with dementia can live safely in the community. Note that this service is only available for people living in Ontario.
More useful links and resources
Programs & services. The Alzheimer Society. This downloadable brochure summarizes the programs, services, information and resources we can offer to you – whether you are a person living with dementia, a caregiver or a family member of someone living with dementia. A provincial directory is also included.