Professional Training Program
The Quebec Federation of Alzheimer Societies is proud to have deployed a professional training program for professionals of health and social services who are helping people who have Alzheimer’s.

The FQSA is proud to provide their new training program “Mieux intervenir ca s’apprend” designed for health and social services professionals.
The training consists of 4 four hour long modules, for a total of 16 hours of training.
- Put into practice a person-centered approach up until end of life whatever the current living situation and care required.
- Recognize the challenges posed by their dementia, from diagnosis until end of life.
- Use person-centered communication strategies.
- know how to respond appropriately when faced with behavioural changes.
MODULE 1 - A better understanding of dementia - $135
- Understand normal aging verses pathological aging.
- The different types of memory.
- The impact of dementia on memory.
- The different types of dementia.
- The warning signs.
- Dementia prevention.
MODULE 2 - Person-centered approach - $135
- The principles of a person-centered approach to care.
- The charter of rights for a person with dementia.
- Person-centered language.
- The importance of personal history.
- The impact of the disease on non-professional caregivers.
MODULE 3 - Communication that establishes trust - $135
- Basic principles of communication.
- The impact of dementia on communication.
- The importance of non-verbal communication.
MODULE 4 - Preventing responsive behaviours - $135
- Understanding responsive behaviours: the causes and the triggers.
- How to accompany someone with dementia.
- Strategies for stimulation.
- The challenges of intervening.
Modules 1 and 2 are prerequisites for modules 3 and 4.
A request for analysis by “Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers auxillaires du Quebec (OIIAQ) is in progress for the eventual recognition of the training under the regulations of mandatory continuing education for nurses and auxiliary nurses in Quebec. A decision has not yet been rendered,
This training is offered by the professional trainers of the 20 Alzheimer Societies of Quebec, approved by the “Commission des partenaires du march du travail”.
For more information and to register please contact, Shalisa Capaday, trainer.
By telephone: 1-877-773-0303
By email: