The inspiring testimonies
We share the inspiring testimonies of those making a difference in the lives of people with Alzheimer's disease and other neurocognitive disorders.

«At the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud, I have become a much better caregiver. I became more apt at taking good care of Lucette, not forgetting to take care of myself. The organization has given me so much...» Maurice Daignault, Lucette Nadeau's partner and caregiver.
“The Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud was the first door, in terms of services, training, and networking, to open for us. I have learned, received and shared a lot. In addition, we have developed friendships over the years. I am a volunteer because it is a way of allowing other people to receive these specialized services to which my husband and I were entitled. Thank you to management, employees, donors and my volunteer friends. You make all the difference for people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers.” Caroline Friedmann, volunteer and Michel Archambault's spouse and caregiver
“I was aware of the disease a long time ago because my mother had it early in her life and died at the age of 54, in 1989. My involvement is motivated by the desire to give back to the community by supporting the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud team that provides care and advice for people with the disease and their loved ones.” Daniel Bourbeau, board member of the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud since 2007
“I had a heart disease and luckily, my heart could be repaired. When I learned from a study that people that have (or have had) such a condition are more at risk of suffering from cognitive deterioration, I chose to support the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud. I do this by volunteering my time and sharing my communications expertise. I met amazing volunteers and caregivers there, while making a difference. What could be more rewarding!” Caroline Lavallée, enthusiastic volunteer and communications consultant
“I will always have fond memories of the 11 years I invested in the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud by raising several thousand dollars for the Walk. I also owe it to my friends whom I can always count on. They were like a rainbow that lit up my life through this storm that one cannot go through alone. And I drew great strength from it.” Manon Brunet, caregiver, volunteer and fundraiser
“I received the training for family caregivers offered at the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud, which allowed me to better communicate, interact and support my partner Yves. I learned to adapt to his condition and to better interpret his actions and behaviors. Above all, I learned to seize the little pleasures that are available to us in the present moment: dancing, gardening, playing with our grandchildren, listening to music! I have a lot of gratitude towards the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud.” Lyne Gauthier, caregiver of her partner Yves Dessureault
“In the early 2000s, the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud was a haven of peace and goodwill for my mother and our family. Since he passed away, there is no doubt in my mind and my heart that I should pay it forward by getting actively involved with this organization.” Marie-Josée Malo, former member of the board of directors and volunteer
“In the darkness that is Alzheimer's disease, the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud is a real beacon for me.” Jean Mercier, volunteer
“In my notarial practice, I see how well the caregivers who have gone to the Alzheimer's Society Rive-Sud for 20 hours of training are well-equipped, proactive and calm when it comes to planning their future. There is no doubt in my mind that this organization is doing useful work. That's why I enjoy volunteering there.” Natacha Hébert, notary and volunteer
These testimonies were originally in French and have been loosely translated by the Alzheimer’s Society Rive-Sud.