Education for family and friends
Our educators provide continuous opportunities for care partners to explore strategies for supporting persons living with dementia, learn the importance of self-care and build networks of support.

You can register for many of our education programs online. Simply click on the event you are interested in to access the registration form.
If you would like to arrange a public forum at your venue, call 905-687-3914 and ask to speak to someone in our Education department.
Dementia Education Series: Next Steps & Care Essentials
A four (4) week learning series offered monthly in various cities throughout the Niagara Region, as well as online, to help care partners learn more about dementia, develop caregiving strategies, and become familiar with community resources and supports.
Each series will cover the following topics:
- Session 1: Overview of dementia and brain health
- Session 2: Communication within the circle of care
- Session 3: Supportive strategies for both of you
- Session 4: Adapting to change & strategies for future planning
Who should take this course?
Any individual supporting or helping to support an individual living with dementia in the community. If your family member or friend has been diagnosed with dementia, this course will help educate you about the disease and how you can help support that individual. There is no charge for this series.
Upcoming dates
Dementia Education Series: Next Steps & Care Essentials (Afternoon)
Caregiver Wellness Program
The Caregiver Wellness: Staying Connected Program provides care partners an opportunity to connect through workshops, guest speakers and special events. Topics focus on self-care and exploring strategies to make day-to-day interactions with persons living with dementia more meaningful.
Upcoming Sessions
Self-Care for the Caregiver: Life Process Transformation
Self-Care for the Caregiver is designed to help individuals who are feeling overwhelmed in caring for others and finding it hard to take care of themselves.
Join Denise Verreault, Psychogeriatric Resource Consultant with the Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region, as she takes you through a sixteen-week program designed to help you learn how to take better care of you as you care for others.
The three-hour weekly class will focus on self-awareness exercises, stress management, group discussion, and take-home exercises. You can learn how to develop your inner capacity to be resilient and strong regardless of your current life challenges.
Upcoming Sessions
Options For Care Forum
Options for Care explores the care options that support persons living with dementia in the moderate to late stages of their journey.
Topics include:
- Exploring care in your home, retirement and long-term care
- Eligibility criteria
- Preparing for a move
- Strategies for meaningful visits
Upcoming dates
Public Forums
Public forums are held throughout the year on various dementia related topics to help educate the general public, as well as those caring for someone living with dementia.
Topic may include:
- Eat Your Way to a Health Brain
- Legal & Financial Issues
- Connecting with Care (with HNHB LHIN)
- Revenue Canada Tax Benefits
- Holiday Tips and Strategies
- What is Dementia? (Dementia 101)
Upcoming dates
Connections First
Connections First is an 2.5 hour interactive forum that explores living well with or without memory changes. This program runs monthly and is open to persons concerned with normal aging, persons living with a diagnosis of dementia, care partners or anyone who just wants to learn about keeping their brain healthy and plan for the future.
Connections First is the perfect introduction to the Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region, our programs and educational opportunities.