Public Forums
Public forums are held throughout the year on various dementia related topics to help educate the general public, as well as those caring for someone living with dementia.

Click here to register for an upcoming forum. Scroll down to view our list of upcoming public forums.
If you would like to arrange a public forum at your venue, call 905-687-3914 and ask to speak to someone in our Education department.
What is a public forum?
Our public forums are presentations open to anyone in the community. Each presentation focuses on a specific dementia-related topic. We often include professional guest speakers with extensive knowledge in their given field.
Possible topics
- Health Brain
- Legal & Financial Issues
- Revenue Canada Tax Benefits
- Holiday Tips and Strategies
- Understanding different types of dementia
- Options for Care
- Advanced Care Planning
- Driving and Dementia
- Meaningful activities
- Late Stage, End Stage, Grief and Dying