Memory Café
The Memory Café is a free monthly program for people living with dementia and their families to meet others, learn, and have fun!

What is the Memory Café?
The Memory Café is a free monthly program led by community volunteers that provides people affected by dementia with the opportunity to meet others on the dementia journey.
This program offers socialization in a stigma-free environment and includes an educational presentation on a different topic each month, followed by entertainment and refreshments.
All are welcome to join this program, including individuals living with dementia at all stages, their circle of care, and anyone interested in learning more about dementia.
How it all started
The concept of the café began in the United Kingdom in 1997.
The first café offered peer support and education through regular and informal sessions for people living with dementia and their caregivers.
Making their way across Europe and overseas, Memory Cafés have become a priority for the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick in delivering programs to families impacted by Alzheimer's disease and dementia in communities across our province.
Memory Café Locations
Tracadie Memory Café (French)
3rd Thursday of the month, excluding July & August
Want to get involved?
Do you have four to five hours per month to become a Memory Café committee member? The Alzheimer Society is seeking people interested in being on a planning committee for the Memory Café.
Being a member of the Committee will provide you with an opportunity to collaborate with the Alzheimer Society in the planning and delivery of this program.
There are many opportunities for everyone to get involved, such as:
- Helping serve refreshments
- Taking photos of the event
- Creating a friendly environment for all attendees
- Talking and listening to people with dementia and their caregivers in a sensitive and supportive way
- Joining in with social activities that benefit the individuals
- Promoting the café through community boards, posters, word-of-mouth and other ways
- Attending regular planning committee meetings
- Finding appropriate guest speakers and entertainment
Contact us at 1-800-664-8411 or to learn more.