Board of Directors
Alzheimer Society of Windsor & Essex County Board of Directors

Members of the Alzheimer Society of Windsor & Essex County Board of Directors guide the organization’s efforts to improve service and care, educate the communities we serve and mobilize support for those affected by Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
If you are interested and would like more information on becoming a Board Director or member-at-large on one of the Board's standing committees (Finance & Services. Nominating & Governance, Community Advisory Council), please contact Sally Bennett Olczak, CEO, by email or at (519) 974-2220 ext 223.
Board of Directors for 2024-2025
Jeff Ostrow (Chair)
Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
Karen Hall (Past Chair)
Retired, Columnist and Op-Ed Page Editor, Windsor Star
May Duan (Vice-Chair)
Retired, President Asia Pacific, L&P Automotive
Anthony Paniccia (Treasurer)
FCPA, FCA, Anthony J Paniccia CPA
Sarah Mushtaq (Secretary)
Director, Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Anti-Racism (EIDAR),
Windsor Regional Hospital
Dr. Jeffery Cohen
Retired, HIV Care Program, Windsor Regional Hospital
Retired, Medical Director for Restorative Care, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
Dr. Joann Duddy
PhD, Retired
Rick Farrow
Chairman, FARROW
Denise Hrastovec
CPA, CA, Partner, Assurance and Advisory
Baker Tilly Windsor LLP
Mike Kessler
Retired, Supplier Quality Analyst, Person Living with Dementia
Karen Momotiuk
Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor
Chief Executive Officer
Mrs. Sally Bennett Olczak
2002 - Present
Founders (1981)
Mrs. Marilyn Brown- Skinner (1933 - 2010)
Mr. George Sims (1920 - 2004)
Honorary Directors
Ms. Marjorie Brown (1930 - 2021)
Mr. Dave Cooke
Mr. Ari Freed
Ms. Mina Grossman-Ianna
Mme. Justice Micheline Rawlins
Mr. Wayne Stevens
Dr. Fouad Tayfour
Mrs. Rochelle Tepperman
Mr. John Vollmer
Mr. Percy Hatfield
Ms. Susan Whelan
Mr. Ken Lewenza Sr