First Link®
First Link® is an innovative referral program designed to assist individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, as well as their families and care partners.

For more information or to become a referring partner to the First Link® Program, please contact us.
To make a referral complete this online form.
First Link®
First Link® is an innovative referral program designed to assist individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, as well as their families and care partners. First Link® provides support from the point of diagnosis and throughout the progression of the disease.
The First Link ® program contains five essential elements
- Partnerships with physicians, health professionals and community organizations.
- Formal referrals when diagnosed or at any other time in the progression of the disease.
- Proactive outreach to individuals and families.
- Information and connection to Alzheimer Society of PEI programs and services, and other community and health care services.
- Routine follow up.
Why First Link® matters
The diagnosis of dementia can be frightening, plunging families into a confusing network of medical care and social services. People may not know what to do or who to call. Too often families struggle to cope with the changes alone, unknowingly waiting until the crisis, an emergency room visit, or caregiver burnout before seeking help.
First Link® bridges the gap between diagnosis and support. It offers a single point of entry to appropriate health-care information and referral to other services available locally, such as medications, respite programs, education, and life planning. Families learn about, plan for, and adjust to the journey of dementia.
First Link® benefits to the health-care system
First Link® reduces the number of visits to emergency departments, days spent in acute care beds, and crisis-related long-term care placements.
Earlier interventions allow individuals with dementia to live independently longer and families to provide care at home as long as possible. Each year one person is delayed from entering long-term care resulting in a savings of approximately $50,000.
First Link® strengthens partnerships between the Alzheimer Society of PEI and health care professionals, as well as other community service providers which provide a more holistic approach to dementia care.
First Link® encourages health care professionals to focus on the medical aspects of dementia care while Alzheimer's Society staff provide ongoing support, education, and help in navigating the health care system.
Making a referral is simple
Who can be referred?
- Individuals with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia,
- Care partners,
- Family members and
- Individuals with a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment or other memory changes.
Who can make a referral?
- Physicians,
- Health care professionals,
- Community organizations working with individuals affected by dementia and
- Family members, care partners, and individuals with dementia can also self-refer.
When to refer?
- As soon as a diagnosis is made and
- At any other time in the dementia journey.
How to refer?
- Ask the individual or family member for permission to forward their name to the Alzheimer Society.
- Complete the online referral form below or email or fax a referral form to the Alzheimer Society.
What happens after the Alzheimer Society receives the referral?
Within one week, the First Link® Educator will call the individual with dementia or the primary care partners to provide information, assess needs, and refer to helpful community and health care services. Information will be provided to First Link® clients through a variety of means including a customized information package, a quarterly newsletter, an invitation to attend our next Education series, and personal follow-up calls. A confirmation will be sent to each referring professional once contact has been made with the individual or family.
We invite your support in serving Islanders living the journey of dementia. For more information or to become a referring partner to the First Link® Program contact our First Link Educator at or 902-628-2257.
To make a referral complete this online form: