Dementia resources in Nova Scotia
The Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia provides lots of resources for people with dementia, family members, caregivers, and health-care professionals.

The Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia provides lots of resources for people with dementia, family members, caregivers, and health-care professionals.
Alzheimer Canada Brochures and Pamphlets
The Alzheimer Society of Canada produces information brochures and fact sheets on a wide variety of topics. They are available online, or you can order hard copies directly from The Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia by phone, fax, e-mail, or in-person.
Standardized “InfoKits” that contain a variety of brochures that contain national and Nova Scotia specific information for persons with dementia and family caregivers are available at the Society.
Individuals are encouraged to contact the Alzheimer InfoLine at 1-800-611-6345 to request information. Package content can be individualized to your particular requests.
Medical clinics, physicians, nurse practitioners and other health care providers working directly with persons with dementia and their families are encouraged to order standardized InfoKits in bulk (multiples of 10) to be given to their patients. Call the office at 1-800-611-6345 or fill out an order form and e-mail or fax it to us. Please allow three weeks for processing.
Our Nova Scotia Provincial Library Partnership
The Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Public Libraries have partnered to provide a collection of books and videos on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. You can borrow these items from your local Public Library.
African Nova Scotian Dementia Initiative
The African Nova Scotian Dementia Initiative is a collaborative effort between the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia (ASNS) and the Health Association of African Canadians (HAAC). The latter was founded in 2000 to address African Canadian health issues and the system inequities affecting health.