Other community services
The Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region can help you navigate our local health infrastructure and link you with other community support services which may be helpful to you.

Other Community Services
Some agencies you can contact in the Niagara Region include:
- HNHB LHIN Home and Community Care
- Niagara Region Seniors Community Programs
- Canadian Mental Health Association Niagara (CMHA Niagara)
- Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT)
- Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE)
- National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE)
- Saint Elizabeth Health Care
- Information Niagara (directory resource)
- Ontario Home Care Association (OHCA)
- Victoria Order of Nurses (VON)
- Meals on Wheels
- Community Support Services of Niagara (CSSN)
Behavioural Supports Ontario
The Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) project aims to improve the lives of Ontarians with behaviours associated with complex and challenging mental health, dementia or other neurological conditions living in long-term care homes or in independent living settings. This principle-based Framework for Care is designed to mitigate the strain and improve outcomes for persons with challenging behaviours, families, health providers and the healthcare system.