Dementia education for healthcare providers in Niagara Region
Get information on training available to people who provide care for people living with dementia in Niagara Region.

For more information contact our Education department at 905-687-3914 or email
Long-term Care homes requiring education can contact our Psychogeriatric Resource Consultants at 905-704-4068.
Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA®) in Dementia Care

GPA is an evidence-based, innovative, quality care program for interdisciplinary staff and students across multiple health care sectors. GPA re-frames challenging behaviour to be interpreted as self-protective or responsive behaviour occurring as a result of unmet needs, encouraging staff to assess the meaning behind behaviour and work alongside the person with dementia.

P.I.E.C.E.S.™ is a best practice learning and development initiative that provides an approach to understanding and enhancing care for individuals with complex physical and cognitive/mental health needs and behavioural changes. The P.I.E.C.E.S.™ model helps us to understand the whole person.
U-First! Basics

U-First!® is a training program that helps non-registered health care providers develop a common knowledge base, language, values and approach to caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment by understanding the person and associated behaviour changes and working as a team to develop individualized support strategies.
This 6 hour education program will help you to:
- Understand that there can be many reasons why you might see behaviour changes in the person
- Flag the possible changes that you may see when you are supporting the person
- Interact in a new way with both skill and a common understanding of dementia and other cognitive impairments
- Reflect and report on not only new behaviours you may see in the person you are supporting but also share your strategies and tips with the team
- Support the person and their care partners in everyday activities
- Know that you are part of an important Team in caring for the person
U-First! Advanced
U-First!® Advanced is a new education program for health care staff who provide direct care, who have already taken U-First!® Basics and want to enhance their skills and ability to apply the U-First!® Framework.
This 6 hour education program will help you to:
- Deepen your understanding and ability to apply the U-First! Framework
- Improve collaboration among all members of the team, including care partners
- Increase the wellbeing of people experiencing behaviour changes
- Reduce stress and increase job satisfaction for you and for others on the team