Social With A Purpose
Social With A Purpose is a rebranding of our traditional fall fundraiser, Coffee Break®, Social with a Purpose is a do-it-yourself fundraiser that promotes the importance of socializing, staying in touch, and building strong, positive relationships with your friends, family, and community.

Host your own Social with a Purpose fundraiser. Start by clicking here. Once you’ve registered, you will receive a customized web page with a unique link to share and promote your Social with a Purpose fundraiser. Please call Bobbi-Jo at 613-345-7392 ext 226 or 1-866-576-8556 or email if you have questions.
Make a Donation
- Online donation
- Cheque donation: Alzheimer Society Lanark Leeds Grenville
Mailing Address: 115 Christie Lake Rd. Perth, ON K7H 3C6
Attention: Bobbi-Jo White
"I cannot host but would like to make a donation to this Campaign."
Click the link and make a donation amount of your choice and direct it towards Social with a Purpose.
Social with a Purpose
Social with a Purpose: Staying connected, even while staying physically apart.
As social distancing and physical isolation became a part of our daily routines, we began to understand the overwhelming feelings of loss and loneliness being separated from the community can bring us—feelings that people living with dementia experience in their normal, day-to-day lives.
At the Alzheimer Society, we strive to do everything we can to minimize those feelings of loneliness and isolation by providing people living with dementia and their care partners access to our social and recreation programming. We have continued to offer many of our programs and services virtually, but we need your help to continue.
Now more than ever, it is important to find new, creative ways to feel close to each other, even while staying physically apart.
That’s why we created Social with a Purpose. A rebranding of our traditional fall fundraiser, Coffee Break®, Social with a Purpose is a do-it-yourself fundraiser that promotes the importance of socializing, staying in touch, and building strong, positive relationships with your friends, family, and community.
Use your Social with a Purpose fundraiser as an excuse to get together and connect with your friends, family, and community! From online card games, spicing up your Zoom meetings with a game of BINGO, or creating your own way to virtually get together, you can support people living with dementia by turning your virtual social gathering into a fundraiser! Just ask those attending to make a donation amount of their choice.
Interested in hosting a Social with a Purpose fundraiser but don’t know how to get started? We’re here to help with our easy to use, downloadable digital kits ranging from how-to host your own Paint Night, sing a long concert, and cook & date night dinner with your own chef instructor. Our downloadable fundraising kits and resources will make planning your fundraiser that much easier and fun!
By coming together and hosting a Social with a Purpose fundraiser, you will be providing those living with dementia and their care partners access to much needed social recreation programming.
Without fundraisers like you, people living with dementia would not have access to these crucial social recreation programs.
By hosting a Social with a Purpose fundraiser, people living with dementia get access to the social recreation programs they need.
- $30.00 gives a family access to 2 sessions of Minds in Motion
- $110.00 gives a caregiver a full weekend of respite while their loved one attends our Overnight Stay Care
- $18.00 gives a client a day of socialization and activation through our Adult Day Program
- $95.00 covers the cost of 6 sessions at one of our Support Groups or 6 people to attend an Education Session
Although we cannot physically be together, stay connected with friends and family by showing those living with dementia and their care partners that we care and want the same for them. We can’t wait to see what amazing Social with a Purpose fundraisers you host!
Here's some helpful documents to get you started on your Social with a Purpose event:
Sign Your Waiver
How to Host a Virtual Event
How to Host an Offline Event
Understanding Video Conferencing Platforms
Affiliate Campaigns
Adult Day Program: We currently run 10 per week throughout the County which offers a day of respite for Caregivers and a day of socialization and activation for the person with Dementia.
Education: We offer education sessions and workshops for interested groups, families, professionals, schools and Caregivers.
Support: We offer a wide range of support groups including; Individual, Family, Caregiver, Children with Parents Affected, Early Stage and Friends
Referral & Information: We have a resource lending library that is free for anyone to use, brochures and booklets with information on our organization as well as other community services, and send out a newsletter quarterly.
Weekend Respite: Families bring their loved one to our Smiths Falls location for the weekend (Friday at 4:00 pm – Monday at 2:30 pm) This is a home environment with professional staff. This gives the caregiver a much-needed break.