Programs and services
The Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts can help you by providing information, resources, education, support and counselling. Use this page as your guide to find the care and support you may need.

For more information about any of the programs and services we offer at the Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts, please email us at or call us at 807-468-1516.
We are here to help
Our staff and volunteers provide support programs, educational resources, referral services and more to ease the burden of care and improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, as well as their caregivers and families.
Experience has shown that the earlier people begin to learn and strategize about coping with dementia, the better they are prepared and the better their caregivers are able to provide support over time.
We hope you will find relief in knowing that you are not alone and do not have to pioneer your own path, when so many have gone before and have shared their learning.
Scroll down to learn more about the programs and services we offer at the Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts.
Support programs
These programs offer support and improve quality of life for people living with dementia, families and caregivers.
First Link® Learning Series
Through the First Link® Learning Series, participants learn about the different stages of the diseases's progression, as well as coping strategies, resources and support. Each series builds upon the other.
Learn more about the First Link® Learning Series.
Music Project
The Alzheimer Society Music Project is all about bringing joy into the lives of people living with Alzheimer disease, or other forms of dementia. The approach is simple: the Project reconnects people with the "soundtrack of their life" using iPods. The program is available at no cost to approves families, while supplies last.
While each person's response to personalized music is unique, changes are that he or she will benefit from an increased quality of life, and tat you will both gain a peaceful, relaxing way to reconnect.
Participate, refer, volunteer, or donate today! We accept donations of iPods, iTunes gift cards, CDs and/or monetary donations.
Dementia education and resources
The Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts provides many educational opportunities for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, caregivers and healthcare providers.
For people living with dementia and caregivers
Understanding the disease and its process is an important step for the person living with the disease, as well as their partners in care.
We provide educational support for individuals and families through in-person visits at your home, at our office, or by telephone.
Support Groups
Support groups provide an opportunity for care partners to gain and share information, find support and benefit from others sharing their experiences. Offered Virtually or in-person following public Health directives.
Visit our page on dementia education.
For healthcare providers
The Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts supports the ongoing learning and education of healthcare providers who are dedicated to helping people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
U-First Training
This 6-hour workshop will train care providers in "U-first!", a proven and effective approach to working with those persons living with dementia. Through dialogue and a case-based approach, learners will have more confidence in working with people with responsive behaviours.
The Dementia Experience
Is an experience that provides an interactive hands on approach which allows participants to experience what it feels like to be someone affected with Dementia.
Educational Workshops & Sessions
We offer a variety of presentations to community groups and organizations about understanding Alzheimer's disease or related dementia. Including Health prevention, warning signs and risk factors. Please contact if you are interested in a presentation.
Sessions offering physical activity and social contact for individuals with early to mid stage dementia and their care partners. The Alzheimer Society's Social Rec program offers a way to socialize through games, puzzles, videos and guided conversations with other people living with dementia, while their partners in care can recieve respite for the duration of the session. Offered virtually or in person following public health directives.
Visit our page for healthcare providers.
Resource centre and lending library
Our library offers a wide variety of books, VHS tapes, DVDs and magazines to help people learn more about Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
Those seeking more information can also take home brochures, pamphlets and fact sheets on numerous Alzheimer's and dementia related topics from our resource centre.
Contact our office to learn more:
- Email:
- Telephone: 807-468-1516
More resources on dementia
Across Canada, the Alzheimer Society offers resources for people living with dementia, caregivers, families, healthcare providers and first responders.
For a full list of helpful resources, visit our online resource library.
Referral services
If you are concerned that you may have dementia, or have been recently diagnosed and are unsure what your next step is, the Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts can help you get the information you need.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging.
- If you are concerned about any of the early warning signs, go to your doctor.
- If you don’t receive the help you need, ask to be referred to a specialist. You know your body and you should speak up if you have worries about Alzheimer’s or other dementias.
- Our list of 10 warning signs can help you identify the signs of dementia.
For help and support with self-referral, please contact the Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts at or 807-468-1516.
Memory Clinic
The Memory Clinic is an inter-professional approach to providing early diagnosis and treatment for problems associated with memory loss. The team members work with family physicians to provide comprehensive care for patients and family members dealing with dementia and other conditions involving memory loss.
Learn more about the Memory Clinic.
First Link®
First Link® is an innovative program that connects people who are newly diagnosed with local healthcare providers across Ontario. People living with dementia can receive information about diagnosis, day-to-day living, positive approaches to care and how to prepare for the end of life.
The program also provides individual support and counselling and links people with the disease to other Alzheimer Society programs and services.
Learn more about First Link®.
Caregiver support
Support groups provide an opportunity for caregivers to gain and share information, find support and benefit from others sharing their experiences.
Find support in Kenora/Rainy River Districts.
Public awareness
We provide many learning opportunities for the general public as well as corporate information sessions. Through these opportunities and sessions, you can learn more about dementia and how you can help make our community more dementia-friendly.
Learn more about public awareness in Kenora/Rainy River Districts.
Safety services
When Alzheimer's disease and other dementias progress, the person living with the disease has the potential to go missing. This situation presents a serious safety concern, but know that help and support is available.
Finding Your Way®
Finding Your Way® is a website dedicated to helping people living with dementia, their families, caregivers and communities to recognize the risk of going missing, be prepared for incidents of going missing, and ensure that people with dementia can live safely in the community.
Learn more about Finding Your Way®.
MedicAlert® Safely Home®
MedicAlert® Safely Home® is a nationwide service designed to help identify a person living with dementia who has gone missing. The service also ensures that the person returns to their family safe and sound.
MedicAlert® Safely Home® was created through a partnership between MedicAlert Foundation Canada and the Alzheimer Society of Canada.
Learn more about MedicAlert® Safely Home®.