Board of Directors
Meet the Board Members who make up the Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts.

The Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts Board Members, are elected from across the Kenora/Rainy River Districts including Dryden, Fort Frances, Emo, Red Lake, Sioux Narrows, Sioux Lookout, and the First Nations Communities. Optimizes the Society's mission to provide support and education to care partner, and services to those affected by Alzheimer disease and other dementia. Efforts to fundraise all year long for program materials, awareness, and supports research.
- Board Chair, President, Doris Mengelberg (Kenora)
- Vice Chair, Vacant
- Past President Cathy Linton (Sioux Narrows)
- Treasurer Kristine Gagne (Kenora)
- Secretary, Brigitte Schaffer (Kenora)
- Director, Jim Harty (Kenora)
- Director, Michelle Huntley-Grimes (Red Lake)