Social with a Purpose
Social with a Purpose, a rebranding of the annual Coffee Break® fundraiser, is a do-it-yourself fundraiser that promotes the importance of socializing, staying in touch, and building strong, positive relationships with your friends, family, and community.

Feeling inspired and want to host your own Social with a Purpose? Register your event here!
We'll support you along the way with editable emails/letter templates, an easy-to-use How-To Fundraise for Social with a Purpose guide, as well as a donation form for offline donations if you prefer.
If you have any questions, or are looking for ‘Social’ ideas, whether online or offline, please don’t hesitate to contact our office by email or call (613) 544-3078, ext 204.
What is Social with a Purpose?
Social with a Purpose, a rebranding of the annual Coffee Break® fundraiser, is a do-it-yourself fundraiser that promotes the importance of socializing, staying in touch, and building strong, positive relationships with your friends, family, and community.
Why is Social with a Purpose important?
As social distancing and physical isolation became a part of our daily routines, we began to understand the overwhelming feelings of loss and loneliness that being separated from friends, family and people in our community can bring us—feelings that people living with dementia and their care partners, experience in their normal, day-to-day lives.
At the Alzheimer Society, we strive to do everything we can to minimize those feelings of loneliness and isolation by providing people living with dementia and their care partners access to our social and recreation programming. Over the past few months we have offered many of our programs and services virtually, but we need your help to continue.
That’s why we created Social with a Purpose. Without our supporters, people living with dementia would not have access to these crucial social recreation programs.
How can you help people living with dementia?
Whether you're a past supporter of Coffee Break® or are looking to fundraise with us for the first time, we are inviting you to continue or begin your support for people living with dementia by reaching out to the guests who attended your past Coffee Break® event, friends, family, and community, and fundraise together so people living with dementia can continue to have access to the Alzheimer Society of KFLA’s social and recreation programs.
By coming together and fundraising for Social with a Purpose, you will be providing those living with dementia and their care partners access to much needed social recreation programming. For instance, for every $30 you raise, a person living with dementia and their care partner will be able to attend two sessions of Minds in Motion®—a vital program that provides physical exercise, social interaction, and brain stimulation activities to participants—and which is not being hosted virtually. We are also offering music therapy programs virtually and just recently have started to offer some ‘in-person’ one to one and support group activities and small social gatherings, while maintaining all public health and social distancing protocols.
All of these programs and more are examples of the types of programs and services we will offer this year despite the new way of doing business, but we can’t do it without the help of our community partners!
How do I host a Social with a Purpose?
It's easy! Use your Social with a Purpose to connect with your friends, family, and community! From online card games, spicing up your Zoom meetings with a game of BINGO, or creating your own way to virtually get together, you can support people living with dementia by turning your virtual social gathering into a fundraiser!
Have an idea and want to get started? Register for Social with a Purpose on our website!
Are you interested in hosting a Social with a Purpose, but don’t know where to begin? We’ve got you covered with our easy-to-use Social with a Purpose digital kits and host kit! Ranging from how-to host your own Paint Night, sing-along concerts, and more, our downloadable fundraising kits and resources will make planning your fundraiser that much easier!
Downloadable Resources
Re-imagining Coffee Break®
Here are just a few of the Social with a Purpose ideas our supporters have done so far!
- One group of hosts who provided delicious cheesecakes at past Coffee Break® events are launching an online Social with a Purpose and will deliver a piece of cheesecake to everyone who donates!
- An online ‘Pampered Chef Party with a Purpose’, with interesting videos to watch, fun contests and incentive prizes for purchases, for which a portion of the proceeds will come to the Alzheimer Society of KFLA.
- A Driveway Social (socially distanced of course!)
Whether you want to create your own idea or you want consider hosting a virtual paint night, cooking class, or mindfulness class with help from our online activity kits already prepared for you, the people living with dementia in our community will be so thankful!
We are also encouraging local businesses to consider participating this year by rounding up purchases or donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of certain items (and yes, it can absolutely still be coffee, a cookie or special sandwich as in past years)! If you hosted a Coffee Break® with home baked treats in your workplace in the past, consider registering for a Social with a Purpose and asking your coworkers to donate online, and then dropping a small, individually packaged treat on their desk as a thank you for their donation.
Find more information about Social with a Purpose, more ideas of how you can participate, activity kits and how you can register here. Please note that more activity kits are being added to the site.