Our sponsors
A Thank You to Our Sponsors and Community Partners!

If you are a local business or organization and would like to offer a service, product or financial support to the Alzheimer Society of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, please call us at 613-544-3078 ext. 204. We would be happy to discuss with you, the many sponsorship/partnership opportunities we have available.
Thank You To Our Sponsors and Community Partners
The Alzheimer Society of KFL&A would like to thank its many local sponsors and community partners for their support, whether you have been with us for a long time or are a recent supporter. With only 25% of the budget funded by the Local Integrated Health Network (LIHN), all of our supporters - private or commercial, individuals, businesses, or community organizations, are vital to the Society to keep local programs funded and in place.
We appreciate your continued support and extend our thanks on behalf of our board and staff, as well as our many clients and their families.
How Can You Help?
Local businesses and organizations in our community can and do play a crucial role in supporting the Alzheimer Society of KFLA in a variety of ways. Whether as a sponsor or a community partner, whether your contribution is small or large, short term or long standing, we appreciate the support we receive from so many in our community.
Here are some of the ways you can lend your support:
- Sponsor an Alzheimer Society Fundraising Event : you can donate cash, prizes, supply a product or service ( i.e. transportation, signage, T-shirts, provide food, etc.), provide volunteer support (send your employees to assist with and/or participate as a team in an event), provide media support to such events as the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimers, the annual Social with a Purpose campaign, or third party events such as the CanWealth Golf Tournament, the Secura Charity Golf Tournament, and more!
- Host a Third Party Event : Anyone is welcome to host a third party fundraising event on our behalf - a ball tournament, a golf tournament, a silent auction, a neighbourhood garage or yard sale (or your own) , a run, or anything you wish to do to help raise money in your community.Its also easy to host a fundraiser in honour or in memory of someone special - an employee, a special customer, a family member or anyone who may have played a special role in your business or community group. Depending on the size and timing of the event, we can often assist with volunteer help, promotion of the event and administrative support . You really can do Anything for Alzheimers! To find out more, click here..
- Become a Community Partner: is there a skill, talent, service, product or facility that you or your business could offer to help support and enhance our ongoing programs and services? We are always looking for assistance with programs such as art and music therapy, recreational outings, support groups, educational conferences and information sessions. You can host a meeting or an ongoing program at your facility, an outing or activity, offer a site tour, provide supplies, or help to fund programs and services.