Education Hour Programs - Online

Join us for our free online learning sessions on ZOOM! Alzheimer Society Huron Perth's Public Education Coordinators Jeanette Sears and Christy Bannerman will cover the topics we are most often asked about - Dementia Basics, Brain Health, and more. View our list of topics and dates - and register today!

woman looking at computer with Huron Perth logo

For more information about our education programs, contact: 
Clinton site: Jeanette Sears or call 519-482-1482/1-800-561-5012
Perth site: Christy Bannerman or call 519-271-1910 / 1-888-797-1882

Click here to see our upcoming Memory and Aging Programs.

Dementia Overview - October 10

Tuesday, October 10, 1:30 pm

A dementia diagnosis is live changing - but you don't have to deal with it alone. This session is a starting point in understanding what dementia is, what to expect, and next steps in your journey.

Join us on ZOOM. Register by clicking here. For more information, email Christy or Jeanette  or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910

Meaningful Visits - October 17

Tuesday, October 17, 1:30 & 7:00 pm

Is there someone in your life living with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia? Do you want to learn how to best support them and make the most of your time together? This session will teach you tips to engage, how to navigate memory changes and confusion and how to foster connection. Join us on Zoom. 
Click here to register for the 1:30 pm session
Click here to register for the 7:00 pm session

For more information, email Christy or Jeanette  or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910

What is MCI? - October 24

Tuesday, October 24, 1:30 pm

This session reviews common questions about Mild Cognitive Impairment: What is MCI? How is it different than dementia?  We will also discuss resources available at the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth. 

Join us on Zoom. Register by clicking here For more information, email Christy or Jeanette  or call 519-482-1482 /519-271-1910

Your Journey of Support Starts Here - November 1

Wednesday, November 1: 10 - 11:00 am

Join Christy Bannerman and Jeanette Sears from the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth for a discussion about resources available for people and families living with dementia in Huron and Perth counties. 

Join us on ZOOM. Click here to register. For more information, email Christy or Jeanette or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910


Thursday, November 2, 7:00 pm

Join us for our Fall Dementia Education Night with Dr. Peter Lin. Babyboomers and Aging: A Checklist for Aging Well & Inspiring Change in the Health Care System. Join us on ZOOM.

Click here to register for Dr. Peter Lin

Find more information on this page. See you there!

10 Warning Signs - November 13

Monday, November 13, 1:30 & 7:00 pm 

10 Warning Signs: Should I be Worried?  Join us to discuss common early signs of dementia and explore the difference between early signs of dementia and common age-related memory changes. 

For more information, email Christy or Jeanette  or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910

Types of Dementia - November 20

Monday, November 20, 1:30 pm: Click here to register 
Monday, November 20, 7:00 pm: Click here to register

What is the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia? Join us for an introduction to the most common types of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular, Lewy Body, Frontal Temporal, and mixed dementia.

For more information, email Christy or Jeanette  or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910

Brain Changes: 8 A's of Dementia - November 27

Join us to discuss common cognitive changes people with dementia experience. We will describe these changes as a shift in perception - a shift in the way many people with dementia see and navigate the world.

For more information, email Christy or Jeanette  or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910

Communication Tips - December 4

Monday, December 4, 1:30 pm: Click here to register
Monday, December 4, 7:00 pm: Click here to register

Learn how communication changes due to dementia can affect day-to-day experiences – and some starting points to improve connections.

For more information, email Christy or Jeanette  or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910

Your Journey of Support Starts Here - December 6

Wednesday, December 6: 10 - 11:00 am

Join Christy Bannerman and Jeanette Sears from the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth for a discussion about resources available for people and families living with dementia in Huron and Perth counties. 

Join us on ZOOM. Click here to registerFor more information, email Christy or Jeanette or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910

Preparing for the Holidays - December 11

Monday, December 11, 1:30 pm:

We look forward to the holidays - but it can also be stressful. Join us to discuss managing expectations, gathering with friends, and care partner self-care tips

Join us on ZOOM. Click here to register. For more information, email Christy or Jeanette or call 519-482-1482 | 519-271-1910