Public awareness in Grey-Bruce
If you’re interested in making your community more aware of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, learn how the Alzheimer Society can help.

Public Awareness Series
Bringing Awareness close to home.
Sandra Hong, Public Education Coordinator, will present “Enhancing the Visiting Experience with People who have Alzheimer’s disease & Other Dementias” provides you with insight, tips and strategies into meaningfully engagement...with individuals with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. You will also be informed of what dementia is, the warning signs of the disease, and the programs and services available through the Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce.
Contact Sandra Hong at or 519-376-7230, to arrange for a presentation for your group or organization.
Speaker's Bureau
The Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce offers a Speaker’s Bureau program which provides presentations to businesses and community groups. These sessions are flexible and designed to meet your needs. They can range in duration and can be offered during the daytime or evening. Topics can include:
- Alzheimer Society programs and services
- Heads Up for Healthier Brains
- What is normal memory loss?
- Research updates
- Communication with the person with dementia
- More topics available upon request
If your group is interested in a presentation, please email the Education Coordinator, Sandra Hong, at
School Program
The Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce offers a School Program designed to reach out to the younger generation who are coping with the effects of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias on family members. The goals of this program include:
- Increasing general awareness and understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and it's impact in Society
- Supporting younger people who are coping with this disease within their family
- Encouraging healthy choices and lifestyles associated with long-term brain health
If you are interested in hosting a presentation at your school, please email the Education Coordinator, Sandra Hong, at
Resource Centre
The Society's Resource Centre includes a comprehensive collection of books, professional journals, pamphlets, information sheets, videos, DVDs and audio tapes about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
The Resource Centre is open during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.