Dementia education for healthcare providers in Grey-Bruce
On this page, find out what educational opportunities about dementia the Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce can offer to healthcare providers.

For more details the office (519) 376-7230 or email
The Society offers educational in-services to staff in long-term care homes, retirement homes and community agencies. Sessions are designed with the goal of increasing knowledge and understanding of the various issues related to supporting a person with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Overview of dementia
- A look at Alzheimer’s disease
- Understanding the connection between brain and behavior
- Communication with the person with dementia
- Research updates
- Head’s Up (maintaining brain health)
- Advance care planning
- Family education: visiting, transition, loss
Me and U-First!
Target Group: Unregulated health care providers
Goal: Me & U-First! is designed to reach a larger number of people working directly with persons with dementia including PSWs, volunteers and family members.
Me & U-First is a free eight module e-learning program on dementia care designed for unregulated health care providers who are involved in supporting persons with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. They are intended as a supplementary program to reinforce key messages and reach a larger number of front-line workers. It is strongly encouraged and key to the success of the integration of the education into practice that the supervisors of Front-line staff access the U-First! program themselves in order to support workers and address organizational issues.
Gentle Persuasive Approach (GPA)
Target Group: Staff at Long-Term Care Homes
Goal: To provide staff with the skill and confidence to respond respectfully to responsive behaviours of a more escalated nature associated with dementia.
GPA is an educational program that Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce are certified to offer to staff of Long-Term Care Homes. GPA focuses on:
- Respecting the person with dementia as an individual
- Understanding the disease process
- Utilizing supportive care strategies that are compassionate and effective.
Advanced Care Planning
Advanced Care Planning (ACP) is a process of planning for a time when a person no longer has the mental capacity to make decisions about aspects of his/her care or treatment.
Six-hour professional sessions
A shorter version of the Advance Care Planning Training Session is available for the general public.