「關愛腦友記」電視籌款日 | Telethon for Alzheimer's
Learn more about the Telethon for Alzheimer’s to be co-produced by Fairchild Television and the Alzheimer Society of B.C. to raise funds and awareness to support people affected by dementia in the Chinese community.
Please scroll down for information in English.
在卑詩省,有 85,000 人患有腦退化症,以及每三個人中就有近兩個人受到腦退化的影響。雖然暫時還沒有治癒的方案,但我們可以攜手並肩,確保患者、家屬及照顧者有更大勇氣和信心,無需單獨面對未來。
2022年11 月 5 日在新時代電視1台播出的「關愛腦友記」電視籌款日已完滿結束。感謝各界的支持,讓我們能夠提高大眾對腦退化的認識,並鼓勵社區成員參與籌款活動。
我們將會更新更多有關2023 年的籌款活動!
若你想支持受腦退化影響的家庭,例如舉辦自己的籌款活動,請電郵 Wendy Wong, wwong@alzheimerbc.org 或致電 604-742-4903。
There are over 85,000 people living with dementia across B.C. – and nearly two in every three people in B.C. are affected by dementia. While there is currently no cure, together we can make sure no one has to face this disease alone.
The 2022 Telethon for Alzheimer's, broadcast on Fairchild TV on Saturday, November 5, 2022, has successfully ended. Thanks to everyone, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. was able to raise awareness of dementia and encourage community members to donate to support the cause.
Stay tuned for what's coming up in 2023!
If you’d like to support families affected by dementia, such as hosting your own fundraising event, contact Wendy Wong at wwong@alzheimerbc.org or 604-742-4903.