Funding opportunities
Explore the financial support options available to you by considering these external agencies, research grants and programs.

Funding opportunities for dementia research in British Columbia
The Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP) supports researchers from across Canada to drive innovation in the field of dementia research. In addition to federal research funding agencies, researchers located in British Columbia can apply for support through our organizational partner, Michael Smith Health Research BC (MSHRBC). With the variety of options, our team has put together a list of agencies, grants and programs to help support your research, whether it is as a funder, or as a partner.
Key dates for Michael Smith Health Research BC (MSHRBC)
Individual funding
- Mid November: Applications open.
- Second week of December: Letter of Intent (LOI) deadline.
- Third week of February: Full application deadline (applicants).
- First week of March: Application deadline (host institution).
- September 1, 2024: Anticipated start of funding.
- Up to 3 years: Award term.
- $60,000/year: Award amount.
- View past recipients: 2023.
- Third week of October: Applications open.
- Third week of November: Letter of Intent (LOI) deadline.
- Third week of January: Full application deadline (applicants).
- Third week of February: Application deadline (host institution).
- July 1, 2024: Anticipated start of funding.
- 5 years: Award term.
- $90,000/year: Award amount.
- View past recipients: 2023.
To read about the full range of research programs, visit
Key dates for the Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP)
Key dates:
- First week of June each year: Launch of Proof of Concept LOI stage.
- Mid July: Deadline for Proof of Concept LOI stage.
- First week of September: Launch of competition (Doctoral Awards, Post-Doctoral Awards, New Investigator Awards, Proof of Concept awards).
- First week of November: Application deadline.
- Spring of the following calendar year: Results announced.
- July: Commencement of funding.
Apply for funding and learn more here.
For the Proof of Concept awards, only applicants who receive an invitation following the pre-screen of their Proof of Concept Letter of Intent (LOI) are eligible to submit a full proposal to the ASRP competition.
There is no LOI stage for Doctoral/Postdoctoral Awards and New Investigator Grants.
Please note, the above dates are general estimates, please refer to the dates released by each program once the award cycle is announced!