Print resources
You can download our helpful resources and publications, newsletters, brochures and fact sheets.

Looking for a place to start? We can send you an information package of brochures, fact sheets and a list of helpful resources.
To request your information package, contact the First Link® Dementia Helpline or your local resource centre.
You can also find our newsletters at our local resource centers.
- Connections is a quarterly publication featuring submissions by and resources for caregivers, as well as news, updates and ways to get involved with the Society.
- Read past issues of Connections online and subscribe to receive future issues. You can help us reduce our costs by choosing to receive Connections by email.
- Insight is a quarterly publication that offers helpful strategies for people living with dementia.
- It includes tips from Early Stage Support Group members from across the province and personal stories about people who are living with dementia.
- Read past issues of Insight online and subscribe to receive future issues. You can help us reduce our costs by choosing to receive Insight by email.
First Link® brochures
- First Link® for people living with dementia and caregivers (PDF): Describes the programs and services offered by the Alzheimer Society of B.C. and lists the locations of the Society's regional offices.
- First Link® for health-care providers (PDF): Describes how First Link® can be of benefit to both health-care professionals and their patients, how to access referral forms and lists the locations of the Society's regional offices.
The Alzheimer Society of B.C. has a variety of free educational brochures and fact sheets for people with dementia, their families, caregivers and anyone who is concerned about dementia.
Brochures and fact sheets are available through local Alzheimer Resource Centres or by contacting the First Link® Dementia Helpline.
Alzheimer's disease
- What is Alzheimer’s disease? (PDF)
- Dispelling the Myths (PDF)
- 10 Warning Signs (PDF)
- What to Expect (PDF)
Other dementias
- Mild Cognitive Impairment (PDF)
- Vascular Dementia (PDF)
- Frontotemporal Dementia (PDF)
- Lewy Body Dementia (PDF)
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (PDF)
Progression of Alzheimer's disease
- Overview (PDF)
- Early Stage (PDF)
- Middle Stage (PDF)
- Late Stage (PDF)
- End of Life (PDF)
- Benefits of an Early Diagnosis (PDF)
- Getting a Diagnosis (PDF)
- Preparing for your Doctor’s Visit (PDF)
- Principles for a Dignified Diagnosis (PDF)
For persons with dementia
- First Steps - for people with dementia (PDF)
- All About Me (PDF): This booklet is designed to help people living with dementia create a record of their background and what is important to them.
- Shared Experiences: On this web page, booklets and audio files are available to answer some of your questions and concerns about living with Alzheimer’s disease.
- Dementia Companion Handbook – Guiding your conversations with health-care professionals (PDF) A resource developed by Providence Health Care, in collaboration with Shared Care, to assist a person living with dementia with care planning, documenting conversations with different health-care providers, recording questions for future meetings and linking to relevant information and support. Also available in online (mobile and tablet-friendly) format.
Living with dementia
- Communication (PDF)
- Driving (PDF)
- Quality of Life (PDF)
- Decision-Making (PDF)
- Locating Devices (PDF)
- Personal Care (PDF)
- Meal Times (PDF)
- Intimacy and Sexuality (PDF)
- Adjusting to Long-Term Care (PDF)
- Responsive Behaviours (PDF)
- Travelling (PDF)
- Disorientation and getting lost: A guide for people living with dementia (PDF)
Living alone
Caring for someone with dementia
- First Steps - for families (PDF)
- Ways to Help (PDF)
- Reducing Caregiver Stress (PDF)
- Caregiving Options: Considering Long-Term Care (PDF)
- Ambiguous Loss and Grief in Dementia - for individuals and families (PDF)
- A Handbook for Care (PDF)
- Wandering and dementia: A guide for caregivers (PDF)
- Treatment Options (PDF)
- Medications for Alzheimer's disease (PDF)
- Drug approval process (PDF)
Risk factors and genetics
Advocacy resources
Advocacy simply means speaking up — for yourself or for someone else. We offer a number of online fact sheets providing tips on advocating for a family member with dementia.
We suggest that you read through the series and then use the resources provided at the end of each fact sheet to find more specific information.
If you are looking for a printable version of the list of resources available, you can find it below:
- Advocacy resources (Print-friendly version – PDF)
Public Order Form
Organizations in British Columbia and the Yukon can order informational brochures from the Alzheimer Society of B.C.'s Provincial Office by using a public order form.