Grandpa Albert
Alanda shares why she and her family support the Society

“Over 20 years ago now, quite hard to believe that it has been that long that we have been supporting the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories, my Maternal Grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
I was in High School and being young, I did not have a full understanding of what Alzheimer’s was or how to deal with it. I was so close to my Grandfather, enjoyed our visits and all his stories. As Alzheimer’s took over, those stories to us Grandkids were a reality to him during those times. He thought that he was still on his farm and had to bring in the horses, tend to them and ensure that they were all taken care of. We knew not to argue with him and just go with it.
There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of Grandpa Albert and all the wonderful memories I have with him, even the hard ones were memorable. I enjoy sharing these stories with our young son and telling him all about his Great-Grandfather and the incredible life he had.
Whenever the opportunity for our family to support the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories, we do without hesitation. We will forever hold Grandpa Albert close to our hearts and support and donate where and when we can to this charity. One day, there will be a cure. Till then, we will support, and we thank everyone involved with the Society, Researchers, and Donors who work tirelessly day-in and day-out to do so.”
-Alanda Ferster, Forget-Me-Not Memory Garden Participant