Debby's Story
Meet Debby, a monthly donor and current client of the Alzheimer Society.

“My husband, Hugh, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease about three years ago. The disease runs in his family – both his mother and sister had already been diagnosed and later Hugh’s brother would also receive a diagnosis. You would think that given his family history we would have been more worried, but the truth is you just do not want to believe something like this could happen to you.
Without the support of the Alzheimer Society, I honestly do not know where Hugh and I would be. I have learned so much about Alzheimer’s disease, how to best take care of Hugh and myself, and how to prepare myself for the road ahead.
Meeting people who are going through the same journey has been extremely helpful. I wish I could explain to others what it is like to live and care for a person living with dementia, but the truth is that unless you have gone through it, you will never truly understand the highs and lows that come along with this life-altering disease.
So much effort and care go into the services the Alzheimer Society AB/NT provides. Without donations, these supports would not exist for thousands of families – including mine. That is why I feel it is important to donate what I can for as long as possible.” – Debby, monthly donor and current AS AB/NT client
Monthly giving is a wonderful option for both you and the people Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories serve. Scheduling your gift is a convenient way to provide reliable support to those affected by dementia across Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
With every additional monthly gift we receive, we are better able to plan and invest in long-term projects to benefit the individuals and families we serve.
Set up your monthly gift today online, or by calling 1-866-950-5465.